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Trustee Meeting Attendance

Please follow the links below for information regarding Trustee attendance at meetings.

Trustee Meeting Attendance 2023/24

Trustee Category Term of office Meeting attendance Out of a possible
Mrs R Ellis Chair of Board of Trustees 01/04/2018 - 2026 6 6
Miss Jo Hussey CEO and Accounting Officer 01/09/2023 - Ongoing 6 6
Mr Stuart Bailey Trustee 03/04/2019 - 2026 4 6
Mrs Debby MacCormack Trustee 09/02/2022 - 08/02/2026 3 6
Mr Dave King Trustee 13/07/2022 - 12/07/2026 6 6
Jyothi Menon Trustee 12/10/2022 - 11/10/2026 4 6
Ms Julie Johnson Trustee 26/05/2022 - 25/05/2026 6 6
Mrs R Huque-Dowlet CFOO Ongoing 3 3

 Trustees attendance at Finance, Personnel & Audit Committee 2023/24

Name of Trustee Category Meeting Attendance Out of a possible
Mr Dave King Trustee (Chair of Finance & Audit Committee) 5 5
Mrs R Ellis Trustee 5 5
Ms Julie Johnson Trustee 5 5
Mr S Bailey Trustee 4 5
Miss Jo Hussey Accounting Officer, CEO 5 5
Mrs R Huque-Dowlet CFOO 5 5

Trustee Meeting Attendance 2022/23

Trustee Category Term of office Meeting attendance Out of a possible
Mrs R Ellis Chair of the Board of Trustees 01/04/2022 - 2026 6 6
Miss R Sandell CEO and Accounting Officer Ended 31/08/2023 6 6
Mr S Bailey Trustee 12/02/2020 - 2024 6 6
Mrs D MacCormack Trustee 10/12/2021 - 10/12/2025 4 6
Mr D King Trustee 13/07/2022 - 13/07/2026 6 6
J Menon Trustee 12/10/2022 - 12/10/2026 5 5
Ms J Johnson Trustee 26/05/2022 - 26/05/2026 5 6
Mrs R Huque-Dowlet CFOO Ongoing 6 6

Trustee Meeting Attendance 2021/22

Trustee Category Term of office Meeting attendance Out of a possible
Mrs R Ellis Chair of the Board of Trustees 01/04/2022 - 2026 6 6
Miss R Sandell CEO - Accounting Officer Ex-officio 6 6
Mr R Hitchcock Trustee 21/02/2018 - 18/05/2022 3 5
Ms N Perera Trustee 04/04/2022 - 31/08/2022 4 6
Mr S Bailey Trustee 12/02/2020 - 2024 5 6
Mrs D MacCormack Trustee 10/12/2021 - 10/12/2025 3 3
Mr D King Trustee 13/07/2022 - 13/07/2026 1 1
Ms J Johnson Trustee 26/05/2022 - 26/05/2026 1 1
Mrs R Huque-Dowlet CFOO Ex-officio 6 6

Finance, Personnel & Audit Committee 2021/22

Trustee Category Meeting Attendance Out of a possible
Mr R Hitchcock Trustee (Chair of Finance & Audit Committee) 3 4
Mrs R Ellis Trustee 5 5
Mr S Bailey Trustee 4 5
Mrs N Perera Trustee 3 5
Miss R Sandell CEO - Accounting Officer 5 5
Mrs R Huque-Dowlet CFOO 5 5

Trustee Meeting Attendance 2020/21

Trustee Category Term of office Meeting Attendance Out of a possible
Mrs R Ellis Chair of the Board of Trustees 01/04/2018 - 2022 6 6
Miss R Sandell CEO - Accounting Officer Ex-officio 6 6
Mr R Hitchcock Trustee 21/02/2018 - 2022 5 6
Ms N Patel Trustee 01/04/2018 - 2022 5 6
Mr S Bailey Trustee 12/02/2020 - 2024 6 6
Miss K Conroy Trustee 04/03/2019 - 24/03/2021 1 4
Mrs R Huque-Dowlet CFOO Ex-officio 6 6

Finance, Personnel & Audit Committee 2020/21 

Trustee Category Meeting Attendance Out of a possible
Mr R Hitchcock Trustee (Chair of Finance & Audit Committee) 4 5
Mrs R Ellis Trustee 5 5
Mr S Bailey Trustee 5 5
Ms N Patel Trustee 4 5
Miss R Sandell CEO - Accounting  Officer 5 5
Mrs R Huque-Dowlet CFOO 5 5

Trustee Meeting Attendance 2019/20

Trustee Category Term of office Meeting Attendance Out of a possible
Mrs R Ellis Chair of the Board of Trustees 01/04/2018 - 2022 6 6
Miss R Sandell CEO - Accounting Officer Ex-officio 6 6
Mr R Hitchcock Trustee 21/02/2018 - 2022 4 6
Ms N Patel Trustee 01/04/2018 - 2022 6 6
Mr S Bailey Trustee 12/02/2020 - 2024 4 4
Miss K Conroy Trustee 04/03/2019 - 2023 1 6
Mrs R Huque-Dowlet CFOO Ex-officio 5 6

Finance, Personnel & Audit Committee 2019/20

Trustee Category Meeting Attendance Out of a possible
Mr R Hitchcock Trustee (Chair of Finance & Audit Committee) 4 6
Mrs R Ellis Trustee 6 6
Mr S Bailey Trustee 4 4
Ms N Patel Trustee 6 6
Miss R Sandell CEO - Accounting Officer 6 6
Mrs R Huque-Dowlet CFOO 6 6

Trustee Meeting Attendance 2018/19

Trustee Category Term of office Meeting Attendance Out of a possible
Mrs R Ellis Chair of the Board of Trustees 01/04/2018 - 2022 7 7
Miss R Sandell CEO - Accounting Officer Ex-officio 7 7
Mr R Hitchcock Trustee 21/02/2018 - 2022 6 7
Ms N Patel Trustee 01/04/2018 - 2022 4 7
Miss K Conroy Trustee 04/03/2019 - 2023 3 7
Mrs R Huque-Dowlet CFOO Ex-officio 7 7

 Finance, Personnel & Audit Committee 2018/19

Trustee Category Meeting Attendance Out of a possible
Mr R Hitchcock Trustee (Chair of Finance & Audit Committee) 5 5
Mrs R Ellis Chair of Trust 5 5
Miss K Conroy Trustee 2 4
Ms N Patel Trustee 1 2
Miss R Sandell CEO - Accounting Officer 5 5
Mrs R Huque-Dowlet CFOO 5 5

Trustee Meeting Attendance 2017/18

Trustee Category Term of Office Meeting Attendance Out of a possible
Mrs R Ellis Chair of the Board of Trustees 01/04/2018 - 2022 5 5
Miss R Sandell CEO - Accounting Officer Ex-officio 5 5
Mr J Green Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees 01/04/2014 - 2018 5 5
Mr R Hitchcock Trustee 21/02/2018 - 2022 3 4
Ms N Patel Trustee 01/04/2018 - 2022 3 5
Mr S Bailey Trustee (Chair of Rowdown LGB) 08/12/2014 - 2018 4 5
Miss K Conroy Trustee (Chair of Fairchildes LGB) 02/03/2015 - 2019 5 5
Mrs R Huque - Dowlet CFOO Ex-officio 5 5

Finance, Personnel & Audit Committee 2017/18

Trustee Category Meeting Attendance Out of a possible
Mrs R Ellis Chair of Trust 4 4
Mr J Green Vice Chair of Trust 4 4
Ms N Patel Trustee 1 1
Mr S Bailey Trustee (Chair of Rowdown LGB) 3 4
Miss K Conroy Trustee (Chair of Fairchildes LGB) 4 4
Mr R Hitchcock Trustee 1 2
Miss R Sandell CEO - Accounting Officer 4 4
Mrs R Huque-Dowlet CFOO 4 4

Trustee Meeting Attendance 2016/17

Trustee Category Term of Office Meeting Attendance Out of a possible
Mrs R Ellis Chair of the Board of Trustees 01/04/2014 - 2018 5 5
Miss R Sandell CEO - Accounting Officer Ex-officio 5 5
Mr J Green Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees 01/04/2014 - 2018 2 5
Mrs R Huque-Dowlet CFOO Ex-officio 5 5
Mrs N Patel Trustee 01/04/2014 - 2018 3 5
Mr S Bailey Trustee (Chair of Rowdown LGB) 08/12/2014 - 2018 4 5
Miss K Conroy Trustee (Chair of Fairchildes LGB) 02/03/2015 - 2019 4 4

Finance, Personnel & Audit Committee 2016/17

Trustee Category Meeting Attendance Out of a possible
Mrs R Ellis Chair of Trust 4 4
Mr J Green Vice Chair of Trust 2 4
Ms N Patel Director 3 4
Mr S Bailey Chair of Rowdown LGB 2 4
Miss R Sandell CEO - Accounting Officer 4 4
Mrs R Huque-Dowlet CFOO 4 4

Trustee Meeting Attendance 2015/16

Trustee Category Term of Office Meeting Attendance Out of a possible
Mrs R Ellis Chair of the Board of Trustees 01/04/2014 - 2018 4 5
Miss R Sandell CEO - Accounting Officer Ex-officio 4 5
Mr J Green Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees 01/04/2014 - 2018 4 5
Mrs L Cress Trustee

01/04/2014 - 2018

Resigned 31/08/2016

3 5
Mrs C J Warner Trustee 01/04/2014 - 2018 2 5
Ms N Patel Trustee 01/04/2014 - 2018 2 5
Mr S Bailey Trustee 08/12/2014 - 2018 4 5

Finance, Personnel & Audit Committee 2015/16

Trustee Category Meeting Attendance Out of a possible
Mrs R Ellis Chair of Trust 2 2
Mr J Green Vice Chair of Trust 2 2
Ms N Patel Director 1 2
Mr S Bailey Chair of Rowdown LGB 2 2

Trustee Meeting Attendance 2014/15

Trustee Category Term of Office Meeting Attendance Out of a possible
Mrs R Ellis Chair of the Board of Trustees 01/04/2014 - 2018 4 4
Mr J Green Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees 01/04/2014 - 2018 3 4
Mrs L Cress Trustee 01/04/2014 - 2018 4 4
Mr S Bailey Trustee 08/12/2014 - 2018 3 3
Mrs N Patel Trustee 01/04/2014 - 2018 2 4
Mrs C J Warner Trustee 01/04/2014 - 2018 3 4
Miss R Sandell CEO - Accounting Officer Ex-officio 4 4
Mr G Coy Trustee

01/04/2014 - 2018

Resigned 08/12/2014

1 1

    Fairchildes Academy Community Trust

    Fairchildes Avenue, New Addington, Croydon, CR0 0AH
    01689 842268

    Fairchildes Primary School

    Fairchildes Avenue, New Addington, Croydon, CR0 0AH
    01689 842268

    Rowdown Primary School

    Calley Down Crescent, New Addington, Croydon, Surrey, CR0 0EG
    01689 843367

    Monks Orchard Primary School

    The Glade, Shirley, Croydon, CR0 7UF
    020 8654 2570