Online Safety
Useful Links for Parents
Keeping children safe online | NSPCC
Age ratings | Parent Zone | At the heart of digital family life
E-safety Guides for Schools | National Online Safety
Cyber bullying | Bullying UK | Family Lives
Bullying and cyberbullying | Childline
CEOP helps any child or young person under the age of 18 who is being pressured, forced or tricked into taking part in sexual activity of any kind. This can be something that has taken place either online or in ‘the real world’, or both. The CEOP Safety Centre has clear information and advice on what can be reported to CEOP, the reporting process and what will happen if you do decide to make a report. You can visit the CEOP Safety Centre and make a report directly to CEOP by clicking the Click CEOP button. If you are experiencing online bullying or something else online has worried you please speak to an adult you trust, or you can talk to Childline at any time on 0800 1111 or at
Dear Year 6 Parents and Carers,
I am writing to you following an increase in the number of incidents involving the misuse of social media within the year 6 cohort.
Unfortunately, it has been brought to our attention by both pupils and parents that social media is being used to be unkind and unpleasant to others. As this is being done from home on pupils’ mobile devices during weekends and evenings, school staff are unable to get involved, investigate and take action. However, the resulting “fall out” from this inappropriate internet/social media misuse can have major implications for friendships within school and a negative impact on pupils’ learning. We are finding that we are spending huge amounts of time trying to manage issues and situations, rather than concentrating on our pupils’ education.
The responsibility for monitoring a child’s use of social media and the internet must lie with you as the parents/guardians. We strongly encourage you to discuss issues around this with your child. It is also worth noting the age limits for Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, TikTok and SnapChat. Most of these have a minimum age restriction of 13 years old. The link below takes you to some helpful parent guides about each of the social media platforms.
E-safety Guides for Schools | National Online Safety
If your child is the victim of inappropriate use then we strongly recommend that, as their parent, you report the matter to both the social media service and to the police. The following links also offer some good advice for parents.
Cyber bullying | Bullying UK | Family Lives Bullying and cyberbullying | Childline
To support you and your child the school will:
- Continue to educate pupils of the dangers of inappropriate use of the internet through assemblies and PHSE lessons
- Continue to monitor the use of any form of ICT in school hours and the use of school email systems at all times and deal with anything deemed inappropriate
- Refer anything that we believe could be defined, or could potentially lead to, a child protection issue to the relevant external agencies
We hope you can understand our position and that we can work together to help use modern technology wisely so we can keep all our year 6 pupils safe and well.
Thank you for your continued support.
Miss Johnson
Head of School