Our Aims and Values
School Aims
Our trust's principles are:
- Our learners and their families are at the centre of what we do
- Our staff and partners are passionate about being the best that they can be
- Our Trust is focused on improvement
At Monks Orchard we aim to provide a happy and stable school environment. All children are given full access to the National Curriculum, which enables them, regardless of their abilities, gender, ethnic or social background, to reach the highest standards by realising their potential, developing talents and strengthening weaknesses in all areas.
We aim to ensure that every member of the school community feels valued and respected, and that each person is treated fairly and well. We are a caring community, whose values are built on mutual trust and respect for all.
Our School Values are, ‘ACE the three Rs’
We aim to:
- Help children to become considerate individuals, appreciating the need for polite standards of behaviour, truth, self-discipline, respect for others and to co-operate appropriately.
- To encourage lively, informed, enquiring minds, with the ability to question, and to debate.
- To teach how to communicate with others appropriately and gain fluency in the English language to do this.
- To encourage children to develop curiosity about life around them, to see pattens in the world around them, to develop an appreciation of their environment and to understand how our actions change this.
- To encourage a love of reading, and to develop reading skills.
- To develop children's understanding of mathematics and knowledge of the number skills required in daily life.
- To develop the skills for using Information Technology, enabling children to effectively meet the demands of IT in their future lives.
- To develop a love for the creative arts and the skills to appreciate and participate in artistic activities.
- To give opportunities for children to develop healthy bodies and to enjoy a wide range of physical activities.
- To teach children to be aware of the past, the present and the future both in the culture and history of the United Kingdom, including the influence of other peoples and cultures, and the wider world community.
- To help pupils to contribute to an environment in which teachers, non-teaching staff, parents, children, visitors and governors, work together for the good of each individual and the community and to apply this awareness to life beyond the school.
- We regard the commitment and involvement of our teachers and staff to be essential to success in achieving these aims and also look to the support of our parents.