Welcome to Reception!
The reception children have been enjoying the book ‘we’re going to find the monster’ they have created their own monsters using different materials to go on their own adventures just like Charlie and Eddie.
We have been practicing our phonic knowledge and letter formation by identifying the initial sound of different objects and writing the letter on the white board.
The reception class has been on their first trip. We visited our local Tesco to buy some healthy snacks. We had to use our good listen ear, our good-looking eyes to navigate the roads and pavement to make sure we made it to our destination safely.
The reception class decided to read ‘we’re going on a bear hunt’ the children retold the story using props and different materials. This got us all thinking about where a bear lives and where other animals might live. We look at some fact books and some video about animal habitats and decided to make some animal homes of our own.
The reception class has enjoyed experimenting with different construction materials. We have made towers, farms, houses and lots more.