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Select School

Attendance and school timings

We believe that every child at Monks Orchard Primary School has a fundamental right to be educated, with good attendance and punctuality being the key to personal development, learning and achievement in all areas.

We will encourage and support parents/carers in ensuring their children maximise their educational opportunities through regular attendance, and that any difficulties that impact upon attendance are identified and acted upon promptly.

School timings

Phase Start of School Day Break and Lunch Times End of School Day
Nursery 9:00am   3:00pm
Reception 8:45am   3:15pm
KS1 8:45am

10:45am - 11:00am

12:00pm - 1:00pm

KS2  8:45am 

10:30am - 10:45am

12:30pm - 1:30pm





We expect that all pupils will:

  • Attend school regularly;
  • Attend school punctually;
  • Attend school appropriately prepared for the day;

We expect that all parents/carers/persons who have day to day responsibility for children and young people will:

  • Encourage regular attendance and be aware of their legal responsibilities
  • Ensure that the child/children in their care arrive at school punctually, prepared for the school day
  • Ensure that they contact the school whenever the child/children is unable to attend
  • Contact the school on the first day of absence
  • Contact the school promptly whenever any problem occurs that may keep the child away from school

We expect that school staff including the Attendance Officer will:

  • Keep regular and accurate records of attendance for all pupils, twice daily
  • Record all reasons for absence in the register
  • Monitor every pupil’s attendance
  • Contact parents as soon as possible when a child fails to attend where no message has been received to explain the absence
  • Follow up all unexplained absences to obtain notes authorising the absence
  • Inform the Headteacher of concerns
  • Make initial enquiries of parents/carers of pupils who are not attending regularly, express their concern and clarify the school’s and the Local Authority’s expectations with regard to regular school attendance
  • Refer irregular or unjustified patterns of attendance to the Education Welfare Service (EWS)
  • Keep a record of those who arrive late each day
  • Liaise with the Education Welfare Officer regularly
  • Provide a welcoming atmosphere for children; provide a safe learning environment provide a sympathetic response to any pupil’s concerns

Head Teacher, Governors and Attendance Officer will:

  • Implement the attendance policy
  • Ensure that the registration procedures are carried out efficiently and that appropriate resources are provided
  • Initiate a scheme for contacting parents on the first day of absence
  • Ensure that key staff have timetabled periods for liaison and follow up work with EWS and appropriate access to attendance data
  • Consult and liaise closely with EWS on a regular basis and take responsibility for ensuring appropriate pupils are identified and referred without delay
  • To work in close collaboration with EWS during their term/half termly register analysis
  • Set whole school attendance targets
  • Monitor and evaluate attendance with EWS

The full Attendance policy can be viewed by clicking on the link below.

    Monks Orchard Primary School

    The Glade, Shirley, Croydon, CR0 7UF
    020 8654 2570