PSHE and Relationships Education
Fairchildes prides itself on being a healthy school. This means that we not only look after our children’s physical health, but their mental health too. At Fairchildes PHSE aspects are taught explicitly through the programme. Within this, children learn about health and well-being, relationships and living in the wider world. Children develop knowledge, skills and understanding to play an active role at school and within society.
Zones of Regulation forms part of our PHSE lessons in which children are taught to understand the zones, link them to their own feelings, to become aware of their own triggers and the triggers of others in order to learn strategies to control their emotions and promote good mental health.
Relationships Education is interwoven with the PSHE curriculum. We respond wholeheartedly to the fact that it is a legal requirement for all children to be taught the facts about modern Britain and the world that they live in, as we prepare them for life and work. We encourage our children to be kind and tolerant citizens. The teaching of Relationships Education is inclusive to all children and is tailored to suit each child’s individual needs.
We work hard to ensure that our children maintain a healthy lifestyle through engaging lessons which promote: exercise, healthy eating, good relationships and healthy minds.
Mrs Williams and Mrs Day
In Dot Com I am learning about my responsibilities and my rights as a child. Theo Yr 5
I know all about Childline - I can call them if I need help Damari Yr 2
Dot Com
At Fairchildes we follow the Dot Com programme as part of our PSHE curriculum. Dot com provides a unique safeguarding programme that empowers children, builds their self-worth and offers a safe environment for them to have a voice.
Dot Com sessions are taught by a trained group of teaching assistants. Each child has a Dot Com journal to record their thoughts and feelings.
In Dot Com we learn about not being harsh or mean to other people, how to keep ourselves safe in the community and when we are online.
Harry, Olivia, Sophie, Honey, Janiyah and George Yr 4
Uh-oh feeling is when you don’t feel right Arooj Yr 2
Dot Com helps me to talk about my feelings Liliana Yr 1
Uh-oh feeling is when you feel scared or nervous Kani Yr 2
Fairchildes is a Dot Com Flagship School
Dot Com is fun. We do so many exciting things. Louie Yr 1
An uh-oh moment is when a fluttery feeling comes in your tummy, like butterflies in your tummy. Janiyah Yr 4
Zones of Regulation
This year we have introduced The Zones of Regulation to all of pupils, from Nursery to Year 6. The Zones of Regulation is a complete social-emotional learning curriculum, created to teach children self-regulation and emotional control. It gives children the language to express how they are feeling and the skills to read these feelings in others. Many of our parents have also chosen to use it at home.
We know about the Zones of regulation and different feelings you will have in the different colour zones.
Liliana, Maisie Lee, Louie, Luca and Stanley Yr 1
Agencies/Charities that we use to support our curriculum
- Lives not Knives
- STARS (Sustainable Travel: active, responsible & safe)
I am learning about bullying and how to deal with it. I am also learning about strategies that I can use to get my anger out, like scribbling on a piece of paper, instead of retaliating
Ganesha Yr 5
I remember when I got lost and I couldn’t find my way home. I remembered the adults on my Helping hands - Vinnie Yr 2
I feel safe in school because I know that I can talk to the mentors and other adults if something is bothering me. I can have a Dot Com minute with the teacher. Yr 3
Dot Com
We have a good relationship with the CEO of Dot Com. Over the years our children and staff have been asked to speak at events. This is a group of children talking at the Bett Show.
Harvest Tea
Each year we have a big harvest festival and collect food for The Vine Foodbank and Croydon Night Watch. Usually we invite older members of the community in to school for the afternoon, to enjoy a cream tea. The year 6 children act as waiters and all of the year groups come down to the hall to entertain them with their harvest songs. This year we made scones, packed them up and wrote letters which were delivered to local older people.
Harvest Tea
Each year we have a big harvest festival and collect food for The Vine Foodbank and Croydon Night Watch. Usually we invite older members of the community in to school for the afternoon, to enjoy a cream tea. The year 6 children act as waiters and all of the year groups come down to the hall to entertain them with their harvest songs. This year we made scones, packed them up and wrote letters which were delivered to local older people.
Harvest Tea
Each year we have a big harvest festival and collect food for The Vine Foodbank and Croydon Night Watch. Usually we invite older members of the community in to school for the afternoon, to enjoy a cream tea. The year 6 children act as waiters and all of the year groups come down to the hall to entertain them with their harvest songs. This year we made scones, packed them up and wrote letters which were delivered to local older people.
Harvest Tea
Each year we have a big harvest festival and collect food for The Vine Foodbank and Croydon Night Watch. Usually we invite older members of the community in to school for the afternoon, to enjoy a cream tea. The year 6 children act as waiters and all of the year groups come down to the hall to entertain them with their harvest songs. This year we made scones, packed them up and wrote letters which were delivered to local older people.
New Addington Carnival
Every year we use the carnival as a big focus. We decorate the steel band, and our year 6 steel banders play on the float which is in the carnival procession, The float is followed by our year 3 walkers who have spent several art lessons before it making costumes/T-shirts etc based on that year’s theme. We also take part in Addington’s Got Talent. ( And usually win! )
New Addington Carnival
Every year we use the carnival as a big focus. We decorate the steel band, and our year 6 steel banders play on the float which is in the carnival procession, The float is followed by our year 3 walkers who have spent several art lessons before it making costumes/T-shirts etc based on that year’s theme. We also take part in Addington’s Got Talent. ( And usually win! )
New Addington Carnival
Every year we use the carnival as a big focus. We decorate the steel band, and our year 6 steel banders play on the float which is in the carnival procession, The float is followed by our year 3 walkers who have spent several art lessons before it making costumes/T-shirts etc based on that year’s theme. We also take part in Addington’s Got Talent. ( And usually win! )
Up until Covid hit each Thursday a group of year 4 children walked down to St Edwards church and made sandwiches with some of the local ladies. They were then taken up to London and given to the homeless.
Tea Towels
We designed tea towels to celebrate 60 years of St Edwards Church.
The Big Hair Assembly
This year for the first time we took part in The Big Hair Assembly our year 5 and 6 children were interviewed and the video was transmitted across the globe!
The Big Hair Assembly
This year for the first time we took part in The Big Hair Assembly our year 5 and 6 children were interviewed and the video was transmitted across the globe!
The Big Hair Assembly
This year for the first time we took part in The Big Hair Assembly our year 5 and 6 children were interviewed and the video was transmitted across the globe!
The Big Hair Assembly
This year for the first time we took part in The Big Hair Assembly our year 5 and 6 children were interviewed and the video was transmitted across the globe!
The Big Hair Assembly
This year for the first time we took part in The Big Hair Assembly our year 5 and 6 children were interviewed and the video was transmitted across the globe!
The Big Hair Assembly
This year for the first time we took part in The Big Hair Assembly our year 5 and 6 children were interviewed and the video was transmitted across the globe!
The Vine
We do lots of work for The Vine foodbank and always do a collection for them at least twice a year. Our year 5 children go to visit The Vine and learn all about how it works.
The Vine
We do lots of work for The Vine foodbank and always do a collection for them at least twice a year. Our year 5 children go to visit The Vine and learn all about how it works.
The Vine
We do lots of work for The Vine foodbank and always do a collection for them at least twice a year. Our year 5 children go to visit The Vine and learn all about how it works.
The Vine
We do lots of work for The Vine foodbank and always do a collection for them at least twice a year. Our year 5 children go to visit The Vine and learn all about how it works.
The Vine
We do lots of work for The Vine foodbank and always do a collection for them at least twice a year. Our year 5 children go to visit The Vine and learn all about how it works.
Celebrating Black History Month with our Windrush work.