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Equality Duty

In line with the Equality Act 2010, Fairchildes Primary School is committed to equality of opportunities for all pupils, staff and governors and will work to the principles of equal opportunities throughout all its activities. We believe that everyone in our school is of equal value and should be treated fairly. In order to achieve this, we aim to provide an education and school experience which is free from discrimination on the grounds of race, ability, religion, gender and sexual orientation.

We are committed to challenging and preventing discrimination, whether it occurs directly or indirectly. We treat each other equally, with dignity and respect, and seek to promote equality at all times.

We actively promote positive values and attitudes regarding race, gender, religion, sexual orientation and disability within the school and wider community.

At Fairchildes:

  • Teachers plan and adapt learning experiences which meet the needs of all pupils and which enable all pupils to reach their full potential.
  • Children are given the necessary additional resources (human and material) to meet their needs, including Gifted and Talented (G&T) and pupils with Special Educational Needs (SEN).
  • Staff run extra curriculum programmes which meet the needs of a range of pupils and which support the taught curriculum, including booster classes etc.
  • Data, including attainment and attendance is monitored by ability, gender and ethnicity.
  • Staff ensure that all efforts are made to make the school site physically accessible to adults and children.
  • Staff liaise with other agencies including health services, social services, speech therapy etc. to meet the needs of pupils with disabilities.
  • Senior staff ensure that training opportunities exist for all staff.
  • Staff ensure that all school policies and Religious Education plans take account of the needs of the different religious groups.
  • Staff ensure that school resources, including displays, books and posters, positively reflect the school’s diversity.
  • Staff ensure that we accept and support religious practices when they impinge on school life e.g. acknowledge the needs of pupils who are fasting; authorise absence due to religious festivals
  • Staff are proactive in encouraging parents into school, not only to support their child’s needs but parents are also encouraged to join social groups at school or improve their own career chances through additional training.

At the heart of the school is the shared commitment to the individual child and their specific needs. Everything the school does ensures that no child is left behind. Each part of the support is carefully planned and measured for its impact on the pupil’s well-being and also their academic achievement. This reflects the school’s firm commitment to tackling discrimination and promoting equality of opportunity. As a result, all groups of pupils make outstanding progress. OFSTED 2012

FACT Academy Committee will:

  1. Take specific action to address any differences between groups with "protected characteristics"* in their attainment and progress and in the use of disciplinary measures against them.
  2. Maintain positive staff morale and performance by giving all groups the opportunity and support to develop their skills and knowledge.
  3. Take specific action to encourage parents to be active participants in their children’s education.
  4. Promote a positive, inclusive environment, based on respect for people’s differences and show commitment to challenging and preventing racism and discrimination.

* The Equality Act 2010 classifies "protected characteristics" as: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation.

Gender and Ethnicity of the current Academy Committee

Ethnicity Male Female
White British 4 7
Black African 0 2
Any other Asian background 1 0
Any other White background 0 1

Gender and ethnicity of teachers:

Ethnicity Male Female
Any other ethnic background 1 0
Indian 1 1
Black African 0 1
Mixed White, Black Caribbean 0 1
Black Caribbean 0 1
White British 1 12
Any other Asian background 0 1
Any other White background 0 1

SATs Results

Pupils are encouraged to join as many after school clubs as possible.
There are plenty to choose from including:

  •  Football
  •  Athletics
  •  Netball
  •  Cross country
  •  Street dance
  •  Steel band
  •  Choir
  •  Maths club
  •  Origami
  •  Filming club
  •  Cooking
  •  Science club
  •  Clay club
  • Multiskills
  • Art
  • Gardening Club

Our Inclusion Team are there to support all pupils and their families. The team consists of:

  • SPIL counselling
  • Mentors
  • EAL team
  • Attendance Coordinator
  • Breakfast and After School Club Coordinators
  • Speech and Language TA
  • SENCo
  • Health Care Plans Coordinator

Every two years all members of our school community are given a questionnaire, here are some of the results:

98% of pupils feel that everyone in their class is treated fairly. 

93% of pupils feel that they are safe in the playground. 

99% of parents feel that school generally communicates well, with 76% feeling that school does this very well. 

93% of parents feel that the general education offered at Fairchildes is good or better with 61% saying that it is excellent.

100% of parents feel that the school is well led and managed. 

100% of governors feel that the school effectively develop the spiritual, moral, social and cultural growth of pupils

100% feel that pupil’s behaviour in the school is good and bullying is not tolerated. 

100% of teachers feel that teachers share successes and problems with one another. 

100% feel that all pupils have a chance to take up responsibility in class, school and extra- curricular activities. 

100%%  of non-teaching staff feel their work is appreciated at least some of the time, with 54% feeling all of the time. 

100% of TAs feel pupils, staff and parents feel that their contributions are valued. 

100% of TAs feel that there is a shared sense of teamwork amongst the staff.

95% of TAs feel that they have sufficient and appropriate training opportunities​


Click the link below to view a list of school policies:

School Policies


Fairchildes Equality Objectives 2024-2025

  1. To improve the outcomes for our pupil premium children. Ensuring that they are given additional support if needed to improve their academic performance and are given additional opportunities such as club membership and trip attendance.
  2. To fully support the mental health and wellbeing of our pupils, parents and staff. All staff will be trained to have a greater awareness of mental health and wellbeing for themselves and the children in school. We will work with our parents to support both them and their children whilst signposting them to mental health and wellbeing services and resources for key information. We aim to equip the pupils with a good awareness of their own mental health and wellbeing, as well as strategies to improve through the zones of regulation.
  3. We aim to give pupils a sense of pride in themselves, their school and their local community. We will make sure that individual and group successes are celebrated whenever possible. We also want the pupils to build their responsibility for themselves and their school environment. Each child will have an area of responsibility in their class or for the whole school at some point in the academic year.

    Fairchildes Primary School

    Fairchildes Avenue, New Addington, Croydon, CR0 0AH
    01689 842268