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At Rowdown Primary School, our English curriculum is designed to foster a love for
reading and writing while equipping pupils with the skills they need to communicate
effectively and creatively. We aim to develop confident, articulate speakers and
active listeners, as speaking and listening underpin our pedagogy and provide the
foundation for all aspects of English. For reading, our intent is to ensure every child
becomes a fluent, confident reader with a deep comprehension of texts, enabling
them to access learning across the curriculum and beyond. For writing, we strive to
cultivate imaginative, reflective and skilled writers who can use language creatively
and accurately to express themselves and their ideas. Our curriculum is inclusive,
catering to diverse needs and ensuring that all children, regardless of their starting
points, can make progress and experience success.



To develop early reading skills, we implement the Read Write Inc. (RWI) phonics programme, providing a systematic approach to phonics teaching. This ensures that children in the Early Years and Key Stage 1 acquire the skills to decode and comprehend texts fluently. For children in Key Stage 2 who require additional support, the Fresh Start programme offers targeted intervention to address gaps in phonics knowledge and reading fluency.

As children progress, we introduce the Echo Reading approach, where pupils practice fluency, expression and comprehension through teacher-led modelling and repetition of passages. Our pedagogy is centred on teaching comprehension skills explicitly through whole texts, including chapter books, to challenge our greater depth readers. By immersing pupils in high-quality, diverse literature, we build their vocabulary, cultural understanding and analytical skills.


Talk for Writing

For writing, we use the Pie Corbett Talk for Writing approach, which is based on a speaking and listening focus. This process helps children internalise language patterns through oral storytelling before applying them to their independent writing. In Key stages 1 and 2, units taught throughout the year include fiction and non-fiction elements, beginning with a 'cold task assessment' to identify the class's specific needs. Pupils then work through carefully structured lessons, using writing toolkits to build their skills in vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, and structure. Weekly spelling and grammar lessons, supported by the Spelling Shed platform, ensure technical accuracy is embedded in their learning.

In the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), the Talk for Writing approach supports children's storytelling and early writing through four stages: immersion, imitation, innovation, and invention. During immersion, children explore stories through hands-on activities to understand the text and build vocabulary. In imitation, they recite and perform stories using actions and story maps. Innovation allows them to adapt the story creatively, and in invention, they create their own stories using their developing phonics and writing skills. Staff support this process by encouraging mark-making and linking it to phonics, helping children build confidence in their storytelling and writing.

Children use purple pens to edit and improve their writing, reflecting on feedback provided through live marking. This approach fosters independence and critical self-editing skills. Pupils in Years 3 to 6 also have 'Magpie Books,' personal writer’s journals, where they collect ideas, vocabulary and concepts for use in their writing. Each unit concludes in a 'hot task,' where pupils independently apply what they have learned, demonstrating their progress and creativity.

Speaking and Listening

Speaking and listening are integral to our curriculum and underpin all aspects of reading and writing. Through activities such as oral storytelling, discussions, debates and presentations, children develop their ability to articulate ideas, listen actively and engage thoughtfully with others. These skills enhance their comprehension, creativity and confidence across the curriculum.


The impact of our English curriculum is evident when observing the pupils, who are becoming confident readers, writers, speakers and listeners. Through the Read Write Inc. programme, children achieve fluency in early reading, with interventions ensuring no child is left behind. Pupils develop strong comprehension skills and an appreciation for literature through exposure to high-quality texts and the Echo Reading approach. Greater depth readers are challenged and all pupils are equipped to engage critically with a wide range of texts.

In writing, pupils become reflective, independent writers, capable of crafting imaginative and technically accurate pieces. The Talk for Writing approach enables them to develop a toolkit of strategies, fostering both creativity and precision. Editing and improving their work using purple pens builds resilience and self-reliance, while Magpie Books encourage creativity and the gathering of ideas.

Overall, our English curriculum aims to ensure that pupils leave Rowdown Primary School with the skills, confidence and enthusiasm to excel in literacy and communication, preparing them for the next stages of their education and beyond.


At Rowdown Primary School, the English curriculum is enriched through a variety of engaging activities and opportunities designed to inspire a love of literacy and creativity. The KS2 Reading Zone, held during lunchtimes, and reading-focused after-school clubs provide children with spaces to enjoy books and enhance their reading skills. Homework clubs offer additional support, including access to the Spelling Shed platform. Whole school events, such as pantomimes with a focus on storytelling and creativity, author visits and World Book Day celebrations, ignite enthusiasm for literature. Activities such as the Scholastic Book Fair, book token competitions, and World Book Day competitions foster a vibrant reading culture. Pupils also enjoy trips to the local library and theatres, such as the Polka Theatre, to extend their learning beyond the classroom. Cross-trust literacy events, including FACT Spelling Bees, writing curriculum days and "I Can" writing days for focus year groups, provide opportunities for collaboration and challenge. Staff-recommended reads are celebrated in assemblies and the weekly newsletter, inspiring pupils to explore new books and genres. These enrichment opportunities ensure that literacy is celebrated and embedded across the school community, creating a dynamic and engaging English curriculum.

    Rowdown Primary School

    Calley Down Crescent, New Addington, Croydon, Surrey, CR0 0EG
    01689 843367