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At Monks Orchard Primary School, we believe that English is a fundamental life skill. English develops children’s ability to listen, speak, read and write for a wide range of purposes.

Children are given opportunities to express themselves creatively and imaginatively as they become enthusiastic and critical readers of stories, poetry and drama, as well as of non-fiction and media texts.

Shared Reading

Once Year 2 children have ‘graduated’ the Read Write Inc scheme, children progress to a whole class, all inclusive shared reading approach, where children of all reading abilities are given access to the same rich text to explore and discuss in detail.  We carefully select books that children can evaluate and critique.

All our shared reading sessions will focus on a particular reading skill:








Children are aware of the reading skills and are posed questions according to one of the skills.

Teaching and Learning

Reading will always be at the very centre of our English curriculum.  Teachers carefully choose stimulating, inspiring and thought-provoking texts to base units of work around.  By using a book-based approach, classes become immersed in what they are learning and is provided with a platform to create the perfect context for purposeful writing.

 English is planned and delivered in phases:

 1) Phase 1: Exploring the text in detail

Shared reading

Explored meaning, vocabulary, VIPER questions

Response to story through role-play and thought bubbles in character


Phase 2: capturing ideas

Freeze frames

Vocabulary work – synonyms

For/against debates

Phase 3: beginning of composition

Teacher modelling – teacher writes in front of the pupils, sharing the process as they do.

Shared writing – teacher may start the writing, then allows children to finish off or discuss together.

Paired composition – on whiteboards, with partners. 

Phase 4: independent writing

Having built up to this point, and being given the ‘tools’ required, children put it all together to write a meaningful piece of writing with an agreed purpose. 

Phase 5: Editing, proof-reading and improving writing

Children are taught, right from the beginning of their writing journey, that a piece of writing is never completely finished and there is always room for development.  We encourage self and peer assessment as a way to proof-read and improve each other’s writing and it is modelled by the teacher regularly. At Monks Orchard, children use a ‘blue pen’ as a method of editing and up levelling their writing.


At Monks Orchard, we believe that teaching of grammar, punctuation and spelling is fundamentally important. 

We start our English lessons with different GPS activities in order to give our pupils the chance to succeed in the fundamentals. 


    Monks Orchard Primary School

    The Glade, Shirley, Croydon, CR0 7UF
    020 8654 2570