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The purpose of studying history is to develop an awareness and understanding of chronology, change over the passage of time and the past influences which impact upon all aspects of our lives. At Rowdown Primary school, History forms an integral part of the curriculum. We believe the study of history inspires children’s curiosity, encourages them to ask critical questions and enables them to have a better understanding of the society in which they live and that of the wider world. We aim to achieve this by planning and delivering engaging lessons and providing children with interactive resources, artefacts and school trips.

Historical study gives children the opportunity to use and extend their reading and research skills. They can develop investigative and deductive powers through the study of artefacts and other resources. Through discussion they can improve speaking and listening skills and begin to use critical analysis. Their interpretation of opinion and fact can help to extend reasoning skills. The use of written work in History provides opportunities for literacy skill development; writing for a purpose such as letters, diaries and reports. It also helps children gain a sense of their own identity within a social, political, cultural and economic background. Because of this, we feel it is important for the subject to be taught discretely as well as incorporated within other curriculum subjects such as literacy and art.

examples of work years 1, 2 4


    Rowdown Primary School

    Calley Down Crescent, New Addington, Croydon, Surrey, CR0 0EG
    01689 843367